Tag Archive | best-friend

About Us:)

So we realized our “about me”, doesn’t really clarify who we are. So lets start with this. We are two female cousins, who act more like sisters and best-friends. We are in our early 20’s. We go by the names “Butterfly” and “Tulip”. Butterfly will be sharing mostly about her passion for photography, marriage, her relationship with Christ Etc. Mostly about her new role has a wife and living in NY. Tulip is a Awesome Mother of a beautiful 2 year old girl. Who will be sharing her experiences of being a single mother in the army and stationed in the beautiful Oahu, Hawaii. We are both Jamaicans! Yeah! We are Christians who love the Lord and our entire being revolves around  Christ and his call on our lives. We were inspired to start this blog to inspire others, to learn from others and to share new things we learn through our daily journey. We love our lives despite all our struggles and shortcomings. We hope you will be just has inspired and excited to go on this journey with us. We love living in God’s Promise Land. It’s pretty dope if you take the time out to enjoy it 🙂